Saturday, February 19, 2011


Dear Potential Employers:

Thank you for stopping by my blog. I have included this link to serve as a writing sample because it is something I am quite proud of. Though I wrote in it as a way to stay connected to my friends and family, it has now established audiences from all over the globe, with people mostly finding the blog via Google. This blog was actively updated - almost everyday (even when I was dead-tired and about to fall into a food coma on my laptop). I was abroad in Taiwan during Summer 2009, for an art museum research internship, as well as Spring 2010, for study abroad.

Writing this blog has not only improved my writing abilities, but it also cultivated my love of playing with words and passion for creative writing. And, of course, I loved writing about all the food I devoured in Taiwan!

With this blog, I hope you can gather a good sense of who I am and my creativity - including writing and photography.

Happy browsing!