Thursday, May 28, 2009

nice weather

Wednesday: weather is perfect today. Rainy but barely humid and slight breeze. Wish it could be like this everyday.On my lunch break.. So peaceful out here. I love anonymity sitting here with my black opaque sunglasses, enjoying the comfortable breeze, listening to other ppl’s convos, observing those walking by. I want to just enjoy this moment. Reflecting back on this past semester while listening to BOF soundtrack. I miss it. Cheng boshi gave me an article to translate--Chinese-->English. So hard. fails at helping me translate. Eyes hurt from staring at the comp for too long. Ximen = busiest district in Taipei. Traffic is extremely crazzzy.

“Ta de zhongwen hen qiguai..” 她的中文很奇怪 ([My] Chinese is strange.) Umm thanks? Dad told me it just means that I have an American accent when I speak...well yeah of course I'm going to have an accent--HELLO I'm not from here, and my parents have been in the US for 30+ years (and speak English to me for the matter)!! I am in Taiwan to improve my Chinese, and so far--I'd like to think--it is since it's strictly the only language I've been speaking, unless I talk to my dad hehe.

1 comment:

  1. haha BOF soundtrack. Don't worry, I've decided that an accent shows that you can also speak another language.
