Sunday: birds chirp at 5am. I’m awake. Short call with Adeleh she wants fake Hermes belt. Ahbei, Dad’s 4th brother out of 7—brother by blood, takes us to see Ahma (grandma). She can’t remember her two sons because she has too many memories—98 years. She can still see, hear, and speak though. Zhunyi pond again. Ahbei has a vacation house there that’s unfurnished and dusty. Pretty view from the windows. Sweet lychee and teeny cold banana. Shabu shabu for lunch. LV Damier patterned chairs-Adeleh would so appreciate! Way too much food. Refreshing passion fruit green tea. Dessert = jelly and really, really good ice cream can’t figure out the flavor though.. Bye Chiayi! Train back to Banciao. Dad reading book called “Secret Bible to Luck & Happiness” go figure.
your grandma is 98?! wow.