Sunday, June 7, 2009

hello hong kong

Tidbit of the day: danta egg tart origins from Macau, which was actually introduced by the Portuguese!

This morning, I turned on the TV and watched a really strange British children's show on BBC or some other British channel. The characters are very odd-looking...kinda like cabbage patch kids, but skinnier. And their voices? So creepy. Yes, I took a picture of them.

At around 10:30am, we take a turbo jet ferry to get to Hong Kong. I had to take dramamine because it was a rocky ride. I wanted to go outside for some fresh air, but they don't allow it nor is there a deck anyway. The ferry interior looks like an airplane. You have assigned seating--although, you can just about sit anywhere if the boat isn't full. After 70 minutes we arrived at the Hong Kong harbor. Earlier this morning, I sent Daniela an email to meet at 12pm at the harbor. We both are cellphoneless and facebook/email were our sources of communication. Well, turns out she didn't check her email that morning. But.....

After back and forth contact with Daniele [while Raul never responded to a single message poo] there'd be a small chance of us hanging out unless I told them a week ahead that I was for sure coming to HK that weekend. When we arrived in HK, we went to a Starbucks at the terminal to get free-wifi. Nope, no reply from Daniela. So we just hang out a bit at Starbucks, talk on Skype with my [half]sister, and head to the subway--which is conveniently two floors under the arrival terminal. We buy our tickets to Kowloon, one of the busiest places in HK, but nothing much to see except for the harbor, high-rise apartments, and a fancy mall. So, we are chance at Central HK subway station. Suddently, I hear a familiar voice shout out LIN CHEN!!! I turn around and there was Raul, Dani, and three of their Lingnan U friends. Crazzzzzy. What are the chances we'd end up here at the same place and same time??

Dad says I should purchase a lotto ticket when I get back because "it is [my] lucky day."

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