because the past few days have just been filled with eating, visiting relatives, eating some more, treading along in the rain, and trying to keep warm. Today was 8 degrees celsius, which is about 46 degrees. It is even warmer in SoCal right now! The weather report says that it will start getting warmer this weekend. I hope it is true because I didn't pack many winter clothes, and soon enough I won't be able to fit into them...
Tonight we attended a mini family reunion at a
chi dao bao huo guo--which essentially is a hot pot buffet. Taiwan is known for these; they are everywhere. There were 30 or so of us. I met a few cousins I never knew existed. Both my parents side of the family are complex. My mom has 7 siblings, so you can imagine how many cousins + aunts and uncles I have. Then on my dad's side, there are many, many siblings. Even I don't know the exact number, but I believe there are 14 or so in total (by blood and through adopted siblings). Anyhow, at this hot pot place, you get your own personal hot pot. Then, you fill your plate with your selections of what you want to cook. There are several kinds of
yuwan/fishballs, meats (usually beef or lamb), veggies, fish, mushrooms, and starches (pumpkin, corn). There are different sauces and condiments to add, too. At these buffet hot pots, of course there has to be dessert: coffees, ice cream, shaved ice, fruits, tea jello, slushies, sweet popcorn... Basically, you stuff yourself til you feel disgustingly fat. I mean, after dinner I could barely button up my peacoat :/ Nonetheless, tonight was fun meeting relatives and stuffing my face some more--day five/feast six of the new year!